January 2022
Poor Cinderfella! He has to do all the chores for his nasty uncle Sir Festering Boyles and his two silly
cousins, Marigold and Maud. But he dreams of rescuing the beautiful Princess Aurora from a sleeping
spell which the wicked fairy Anaesthesia has cast upon her. To marry Aurora is his greatest wish but that
could never happen – could it?
Maybe dreams can come true if you have friends to help, and if there is a Panto Inspector who tries to
make sure everyone does as they are told. And if Cinderfella can find the magic harp, the magic mirror
and the magic lamp before his uncle and the wicked fairies get them! Will Cinderfella find his dream
come true? You want to find out – Oh yes you do!
Cinderfella Ollie Smith
Jeannie/Genie Alexandra Fragkakou
Maud Jayde Dankaro
Marigold Rose Nicholson-Lewis
Sir Festering Boyles Alan Beddow
Mary PopUp Cath Staton
Anaesthesia the Mighty Abbie Croker
Panto Inspector Ian Warrener
Verdigris the Vile Rebecca Warner
Dick Whittington Adam Middleton
Rat King Steven Stamps
Rats Taran Middleton, Jeevan Middleton, Niyah Dankaro and Amari Dankaro
Cat Evie Riman
Pieman Chris Austen
Harp Niyah Dankaro
Sprites Taran Middleton, Jeevan Middleton and Amari Dankaro
Aladdin Adam Middleton
Aurora Kal Middleton
Producer Cath Staton
Assistant Brenda West
Set Design Abbie Croker
Set Construction/Painting Christopher Sutton, Christine Sutton,
Ian Squire, Alan Beddow and members of the Group
Lighting Ian Squire
Sound Josh Dankaro
Properties Christine Sutton and Lesley Cashmore
Prompt Brenda West
Stage Manager Chris Squire
Costume Abbie Croker, Brenda West and Cath Staton
Make-up Members of the cast
Front of House/Kitchen Cath Staton
Programme/Poster/Ticket design Teresa Coles McGee
Publicity Members of the Group
Tickets Chris Pearson and Christine Sutton