by Michael Green
St Sepulchre’s Church is offering yet another hopeful attempt to raise money towards its Restoration Fund. A dramatic murder mystery is the choice this time which will be sure to set the audience agog. Will it not? There may have been a few problems allocating the roles but despite a few first night nerves both cast and backstage are very keen to succeed.
The Inspector Denise Renfrew
Mr Oliver D’Arcy Samantha Kneeshaw
Mrs D’Arcy Kathy Deeth
Hubert D’Arcy Oliver Smith
The Major Brenda West
The Vicar Barry West
James David Jones
Cook Jasmine Gillett
Prompt Chris Squire
Sergeant Chris Austin
Little Grimley presents Strictly Sex Factor on Ice
by David Tristram
Little Grimley’s Dramatic Society is floundering. It needs to put ‘bums on seats’ but how to do that? Chairman Gordon has come up with an innovative idea to solve all problems. Yes, what better way to compete with ‘Strictly’ and ‘X Factor’ on a Saturday night than to introduce Little Grimley’s own versions – plus a little extra. Sex! But will his leading lady, the Treasurer and backstage hand cope with this? Please be advised this play contains strong language.
Gordon Charles l’Anson
Bernard Sam O’Hagan
Margaret Teresa Coles McGee
Joyce Lesley Cashmore
Producers Chris Squire, Barry West, Cath Staton
Prompts Chris Squire
Stage Manager Jill Bingham
Props Jill Bingham/Christine Sutton
Set Design Christopher Sutton
Set Construction Christopher Sutton, Ian Squire, Joseph Hughes, Jim Melville, Christine Sutton,
Jill Bingham, Andrew Kneeshaw
Lighting Ian Squire
Sound Alan Beddow
Costumes Brenda West and members of the cast
Front of House Managers Cath Staton/Chris Squire
Front of House/Kitchen Members and friends of Cubbington Players
Programme/Poster/Ticket design Teresa Coles-McGee
Publicity Members of Cubbington Players
Box Office Samantha Kneeshaw